What is Sisu? And the Academy Difference.

One could say that SISU begins where grit and perseverance end

When we were deciding on a name we knew we wanted it to not only possess the physical side of training but also the mental. Once you dive into the journey of your personal transformation by becoming a healthier version of yourself, in all aspects, you begin to realize that MOST of the battles you come across are mental.

Mental toughness is something that will be at the core of what we will instill in all of our athletes, at any fitness level. This, we hope not only carries over into your physical abilities, but also into your work, family and day to day life. And this is where SISU comes into play. The more we learned about what SISU strength meant the more we knew this was EXACTLY what we wanted to embody.

Our program is designed to continuously expose and crush comfort zones. SISU is used to describe the mental power that resides in everyone, yes even you, thus making SISU a very personal term.  Applying the principal of action, SISU is more about the process of self-discovery than the end result. Resilience can only be developed in the face of adversity; therefore developing a desire to actively seek perceived barriers is pivotal because it lets you know where you currently stand. Failure is not only acceptable but also sought after. Quitting, however is not.

At the end of the day it is you vs you, have you ever wondered what you were capable of? Have you ever pushed yourself far enough to find out? We are here to push you in this quest of self-discovery. We want to challenge you, make you stronger both physically and mentally and we want to have some fun along the way too. The academy is a community, a community of like-minded people, who maybe don’t always like getting uncomfortable, but they are always up for the challenge. Because we are #sisustrong.

“It’s about not seeing a silver lining in the clouds, and yet jumping into the storm anyways.”

Are you ready to jump?

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