Consistent Discipline 08.03.21

I have a client that took it upon herself to do some at home extra credit. A few months ago she simply added 50 squats everyday for 50 days. Her most recent, was 50 pushups everyday for 50 days. 2 more days left.

So today I asked her what she had learned thus far. Her response was that pushups aren’t as scary as once thought. And that she is much more capable than she ever imagined. In the beginning, about 5 of the pushups were from the toes, now, half are.

Huge improvement in little time. But it comes down to consistent discipline. Meaning, no matter what, you stay the course. No matter how scary it may seem, or how big of an obstacle that may be in front of you.

Kind of like how we got to where we are now. This new kick ass space we have was in the works months before we moved to Grimes. But first, we had to endure Grimes, a small space, long ass days/weeks, annoying commute, etc.

But we never lost sight of what was to come. Something better. Only achieved through consistent discipline.


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