It’s funny how knowing the limit, creates a limit on yourself. 07.13.21

I remember when we started out, our biggest kettlebells were 70#. Those were only used by our strongest guys, most other guys stuck with the 44# or 53# at most and the ladies wouldn’t dare go past 44#. It wasn’t until we got our 88# and 106# that the guys felt comfortable with a 70# or 88# and the ladies moved up to 53# and 70#.

Then we got our 124# and suddenly it’s ok to grab the next level higher.

It’s funny how knowing the limit, creates a limit on yourself.

Wait til we get 150# or 203#.

This example might suck, but it also might not.

Our perceived abilities are always skewed because we put limits on ourselves by default. But why do we do this? Limits keep us safe and comfortable. But they also destroy dreams and ambitions. Aren’t you tired of the same old shit? Then you have to decide to do something about it.

Just because there is a mountain in front of you, doesn’t mean you can’t climb it. When everyone else would turn around, you can go through some temporary discomfort. Because what’s at the top is a hell of a lot better than at the bottom.


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