Ode to the Sac 07.27.21

“Ode to the sac”
From the beginning of 2020, the sac has been our place…
It’s been a salty mess, each time we’re on our face.
The sac is a favorite to many, others prefer the tip…
Mid shaft is where most rely, to lift or chat or drip.
Air doesn’t move too much, like a snug new set of briefs…
In the sac it gets pretty thick, it’ll leave y’all in disbelief.
When asked my favorite spot, the deeper sac the better…
Next to the balls and rowers, all the chaffing all the redder.
The sac has been good to us, and us good to the sac…
For we all know the real reason, the shaft is what we lack
Though our days in Grimes are numbered, Waukee will be a rush…
The sac will always be remembered, to make an old woman blush
Thanks for sticking with us, Sisu


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