A Shitty Day in History 12.07.21

Today we remember Pearl Harbor. The day that sent us into WWII. 2,403 Americans passed on this day. Truly, a shitty day in history.
It’s days like today that I’m especially thankful for our past generations. Giving their sacrifice for what they believed to be the greatest country on Earth.
It reminds me of two things:

  1. How fortunate we are to have our “1st world problems.”
  2. A song by Lamb of God
    Here’s a line from the song that’s open for interpretation:
    “Now you’ve got something to die for” by Lamb of God
    “We’ll never get out of this hole
    Until we’ve dug our own grave
    And drug the rest down with us
    The burning home of the brave”
    To me, this shows the willingness to put your life on the life for others, no matter if there’s great unrest or more division than ever.


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