
It’s fascinating and mind blowing to me about how long people will do the same old shit and expect different results. No, I’m not saying I’m immune to this. But holy shit.
Weight loss is the easiest target here.
*Trying to out train a bad diet
*Overvaluing cardio and undervaluing strength training
*Not accounting for all calories consumed
*Inconsistent workouts
*Inconsistent caloric deficit
*Too restrictive of a diet
*All or nothing mentality
*Overvaluing supplements and undervaluing food
*Starting a new diet every week
*Waiting for the perfect time to start a change
This list can go on and on.
But this can be summarized as the definition of insane.
We are so damn good at convincing ourselves of anything. Literally anything. You ever watch a scary movie and then start thinking someone is in your house? Or that you heard something unexplainable? Ok because there’s nobody there, and there wasn’t a sound, you’ve just convinced yourself of that fear.
Just like the food you ate, but aren’t going to count it towards your daily intake. Or what the scale actually says vs what you’ll accept. Or how many reps you were supposed to do, but how many you shaved off. We can convince ourselves of ANYTHING.
So why don’t we convince ourselves of getting real with ourselves ALL the time? Because the truth can hurt. And we don’t like discomfort. We are preprogrammed to take the path of least resistance.
Without resistance, there is no change
Without change, there is no growth
Without growth, there IS insanity

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