Find A Way – Motivation 10/06/20

10/06/20 – Motivation

“If you really want something, you will find a way. If you don’t, you will find an excuse.” – unknown

Earlier today I saw this and it really resonated. So damn true. I’ve been here a thousand times and so have you most likely, because well…excuses are like assholes….anyways there’s lots of different ways this can be applied to your lives.

Either way, it’s another reason how powerful our mind can be for the positive or negative. But we always have that choice. You decide the life you live. 

Excuses start off as good intentions to keep you safe, because change is scary or uncertain. But once you start making excuses, it becomes easier to make more excuses. They’re a slippery slope. Causing you to get less and less of what you want deep down. 

The only way to conquer excuses, is to execute.

Decide and go.


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