Recovery is an Unglamorous Topic 11.03.20

Recovery is an unglamorous topic.

Under recovery I’d include, but not limited to, the topics of sleep, nutrition, stress management and mobility.

There isn’t much talk about these because everyone knows we need sleep, everyone knows we need to eat well, everyone knows we should stretch and everyone knows that unmanaged stress can be a harmful.

Then why in the hell doesn’t it get any love?

Why does everyone only want to talk about training, in terms of health and fitness?

Here’s an example, poor ankle mobility limiting squat performance. If you continue to neglect your dog shit ankle mobility, usually due to tight calves, your full depth squat won’t improve due to energy leaking.

If we are being inefficient in our mechanics, our performance WILL suffer.

People settle for this vicious cycle for months or years rather than identifying the problem and fixing it.

Ironically, stepping back and prioritizing moving well first, will be followed by moving more weight or moving pain free.

Both of which are good things. We want to change the conversation.

We want to prioritize recovery in order to maximize your one hour with us.

We want your mindset to shift towards working hard, and recovering harder.


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