In this industry, you are constantly lied to. How many times have you been suckered into fat loss pills? The latest fad diet? Overnight abs? Lose 10 inches in 2 weeks? The cure all supplement? You are lied to because it makes money.
And it’s your job to sift through the bull shit.
Here’s the reality, hard work is the way. When you come to us, it’s easier for you to work harder because we keep you accountable and tell you exactly what to do/not to do.
Also having teammates gives you that extra push. But what is so damn under valued is taking care of yourself outside of that one hour.
Cannot stress enough how important it is to fuel yourself correctly, every damn day. If you eat like an asshole, then you’ll feel the same way.
Just the same as taking mobility work seriously. How many of you actually do the homework we give you…? Can you squat/deadlift/press/pull pain free?
If the answer is no, then YOU have some work to do.
You have all the tools you need to be successful, but it’s often the road less traveled because it’s not easy. Speaking of, it’s pretty easy to point fingers at others for your lack of success. When those fingers should be pointed right back at you.
It’s called taking ownership of your thoughts/actions. True ownership means defaulting to what you could do/have done, not what others could do/have done.
“The victim mindset dilutes the human potential. By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we greatly reduce our power to change them” – Steve Maraboli