I recently overheard someone (random person at the bar) mention “Sisu” and naturally I tuned in to their conversation and she described the gym as “a grueling program”.
You are fucking right it is.
Our 12 week program is very demanding, over a time frame that is longer than most programs. Most people can’t stick with anything that long, and that is why we do it. We have high standards for you, and our passion behind why we coach is watching you redefine yourself in the Sisu furnace.
We are beyond proud to announce the winners of the #sisuchallenge! There was a ton of consideration behind our choices, and every detail went into our decision, which was not easy to say the least. Attendance, attitude, heart, drive, passion, camaraderie, are just a few considerations beyond the weight you lift or your fat percentage. Sisu is a way of life, it’s what you are about and who you are.
We present the winners:
Sisu Transformation: Jacob Tinker
At a body weight of 173 he pulled an impressive 500 pound on the deadlift and 600 pounds on the trap bar which is over 3X his body weight! This feat also made him a prime contender for the strength award however the transformation of his physique and mindset towards future possibilities is what gave him the edge in this award.
Honorable mentions: Andrea Rector Towne – Mitch Ford – Jennifer English – Narbo
Sisu Strength: Jenni May
I asked her what she was looking forward to the most when she first started and she said the structure. She wanted to learn the techniques required to unlock new levels of strength (she came to us from F45) and her improvements through all 3 lifts show her dedication to this goal.
Deadlift: 205 to 230
Bench: 95 to 100
Squat: 165 to 205
Honorable mentions: Emma Gwinner- this was her first cycle and she needed to dead lift 140 1 time to pass her fitness test for the Army. She pulled 185, 3 times! – Azra Feriz – she is now in the 200 (205 pounds) club for dead lift! Baylor Hill – he is moving better than we have seen yet and he isn’t slowing down. Watch out for him!
Sisu Coaches Award: Brittany Ales
Ales has become an integrated aspect of all things Sisu. She has shown outstanding attendance, but more importantly shows up with a burning desire to see the changes she wants. She is hungry for it every day. It is not uncommon to see her strapping on a vest to log extra miles after class, and what’s impressive to us bringing a team mate along with her. She is proud to share her journey and her love for Sisu publicly and that pride is a powerful force and inspiration to others. Throughout the last year she has literally reshaped her body, and transformed her lifestyle to one that embodies what Sisu actually means. Her most impressive transformation has occurred in the mind.
Week 1: 174 @ 28% BF
Week 12: 170 @ 23.5% BF
Me and Nick had an awesome conversation discussing the success we were a part of the last three months and it was such a great problem to have to have to choose winners. There were so many considerations at hand.
In conclusion consider this: the winners and honorable mentions through this 12 week challenge did the same workouts as everyone else.
The opportunities were the same for everyone.
So what is the difference? The answer lies in your mindset and the intent that you bring to the gym every single day.
Life is about seizing opportunities and capitalizing on them! Sisu is about unlocking your potential, and realizing that there is a lot more to be had and we are hungry enough to fucking take it.
The next cycle begins the first week of august in a brand new facility. You have every opportunity to take your success as far as you want. How far you go is up to you. If you see your team mates in the gym congratulate them!