Food for thought. The Nutrition Nightmare 07.20.21

In school we’re taught a lot of crap that we’ll never use, like long division or memorizing the periodic table of elements. Instead I’d wish there were more common sense mandatory classes like home/car repairs or how to start a business.

Another one would be, actual nutrition.

Plenty of us have taken a basic health class and learned a couple things, but maybe that only touched on the food groups or maybe even choose my plate. Both of which aren’t bad, but not great either.

Even in my high school health class, we were still taught that peanut butter is a protein…. we’re better than that. Generally, most peanut butters have double the amount of fat than protein. So really, it should be considered more of a fat source than a protein source. But I digress.

Especially these days with so much misinformation on the subject, nutrition is touchy. For so many reasons. So often tied back to our youth, our habits then, can become our best friends or worst enemies now. I could imagine as a parent it would be difficult to try to get your kids to eat healthy food with appropriate portion sizes while also letting them be kids. You don’t want them to see you be “neurotic” about weighing your food or passing on the dessert. It’s imperative that moderation is learned and what it truly means to be healthy. There’s nothing wrong with dessert or carbs or sugar or weighing your food or peanut butter or fat stack of pancakes the morning after a grand opening party.

It seems like everything about food is taken to the extreme. Some would say weighing out your food is extreme, I’d say that cutting out all carbohydrates is extreme. Or eating exclusively vegetables is extreme or exclusively eating meat is extreme. Sifting through the shit is the hard part. And finding what you can stick to, is essential. As long as what you stick to makes you feel good, perform well and recover as needed.

What I’m saying is that it all starts with education and instilling good habits to promote a healthy life.

Food for thought


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