“Take pride in what your reps look like, your speed doesn’t matter if your reps sucks.” -Coach Jeff

09/29/20 – Integrity

“Take pride in what your reps look like, your speed doesn’t matter if your reps sucks.” Jeff wrote this on the board today. An excellent reminder to EVERYONE to put that into practice every single time you come in.

There’s 0 point to settle for anything less than solid ass reps when doing strength or cardio. Trying to be fast and losing integrity defeats the purpose. Slow your shit down, do it right, and after continued practice of never settling will oddly enough bring more speed and give you more benefit, which hopefully is the objective. 

You’re only cheating yourself of growing by doing this. It comes down to keeping your ego in check and taking ownership of yourself. This subject can be directly applied to your life outside our walls. If you’re cheating yourself in something so simple that will add mere seconds to your time, what other things are you cheating yourself out of? It’s a slippery slope and robs you of your potential. 


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